Visitation Staff
It is a special person who dedicates their lives to helping others through their most difficult times. Not everyone can sit with those who are broken and hold their hand as they put the pieces back together. With true empathy and an uplifting smile, Becky Johnson is a vital part of our efforts to hold up those in need when everything else seems to be falling apart. When Becky came to be part of our team, we knew we had the right person. We are so glad that she has chosen to partner with us in serving this community.
Becky Johnson is 48 years young. She has lived in Tishomingo County most of her life, and has been married to her best friend, Johnny Johnson, for 31 years. Together they have three children and five grandchildren. She attends church at The Bridge at Burnsville and is a volunteer with the jail ministry and Celebrate Recovery at The Bridge. Her hobbies revolve around her family and working with The Bridge House Ministry. Becky enjoys helping people in our community who desire to create positive changes within themselves, their lives, and their family. She enjoys working visitations because she states that she has lost both parents and her only sibling, and it is a privilege for her to be there for others and to share her compassion with them. We consider it a privilege to have Becky on our team and know she will be a great asset to the entire community for decades to come.